Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring 2009 Detox - Day 1

Ah! Spring has sprung and I feel like cleaning!!! The windows of the house have been closed all winter. The snow is melting revealing flower beds and a garden. But it is too soon to open the windows or plant anything... What's a girl to do? How about a spring detoxification (aka detox)? Why not!

And here I am. Day one. I planned my menu, I bought the foods. This week, it's simplicity all the way. Simple foods. No concentrated fats (nuts, oils or avocados). No dehydrated anything. Just fresh, clean, simple fruits and vegetables. No fancy recipes, but rather, simple meals made up of a few ingredients. This will liberate a lot of energy in the body so it can clean up and get rid of any and all impurities.

So, what better way to start this day than with a tall glass of water? Nothing will help you more during this week of "housecleaning". Begin each day with a tall glass of water. Then wait for hunger to manifest itself. If you have to leave the house, then bring along a breakfast, so you won't be tempted by "less-than-ideal" options.

We all know that raw and living foods contain a great deal of water. But you still have to drink. Start the day with a glass of water and hydrate adequately during the day. Just try not to drink with your meals as this dilutes digestive juices and hinders digestion. The water you drink during this week will help rid your body of its impurities.

Today I am having liquid meals only. One green smoothie for breakfast and two energy soups during the course of the day. If I need a snack, I'll be eating veggie sticks (no dip!).

Water will become your best friend this week. So, drink, drink, drink! Get your hands on the purest water you can find and drink.

Photo Credit: Robert Mclassus

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