Monday, April 6, 2009

10 Reasons to Stop Cooking - Part 1

How many people do you think have spent their entire lives searching for the fountain of youth? How many have spent their last dollar on some miracle cure for whatever ailment they had? What would you give to be in super health, to feel like you are on top of the world, in control of your life and finally have the full use of all your faculties?

There is a simple way to achieve all these lofty goals. Not a pill. Not a potion. But the formula does exist. It is quite simply a return to basics: raw and living foods. Every other animal on this planet eats exclusively raw foods and they are just fine! When was the last time you saw an obese dear? A wolf in need of eyeglasses? Raw foods are what we are meant to eat. They are what our bodies need for optimal health.

In the next few weeks, I will go over 10 very good reasons to stop cooking. My reflections are made on the basis of the book The Live Food Factor, by Dr. Vetrano, Victoria Boutenko, S. Schenck and V. BidWell. Interesting reading...

First reason: Super Health

The first effect of the living foods lifestyle on the body is increased immune system function. It is actually scientifically documented, by a clinic in Berchtesgaden, Germany. "Their researchers found raw diet effects that yielded antibiotic, antiallergenic, tumor-inhibiting, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory results". Wow! Is there any other diet which can make such claims?

The famous phrase by well-known founder of modern medicine, Hippocrates, "Let food be thy medecine" is more true and profound than most realize. No medecine in itself can cure the body of illness. The body cures itself. It has, within itself, all the necessary mecanisms to heal, cure, detoxify, prevent and restore. We only need to provide adequate raw materials (no pun intended!) for it to accomplish its "miracles".

So many conditions have been cured, or greatly improved, by living foods. These include, but are not limited to: diabetes, ulcers, cancer, jaundice, arthritis, fibromyalgia, asthma, ulcerative colitis, obesity, gout and gastrointestinal disorders, to mention only these.

Many people turn to raw foods as a result of an illness. But as the old Chinese saying goes: "To administer medicine after the illness begins is like digging a well after becoming thirsty". Even if you have no apparent health problem, you might still want to consider the living foods lifestyle as a means of prevention of future disease.

Finally, ponder this for a while: the vast majority of your cells are replaced within two years. So, after two years on a raw foods diet, you would be a whole new "raw" you!!! More vibrantly and radiantly alive than you ever thought possible.

Reflections on The Live Food Factor

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