Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring 2009 Detox - Day 4

Now that the difficult third day is behind us, we will turn our attention to a very important aspect of this spring detoxification. The primary reason motivating this special week, at least in my mind, was to simplify our food intake so as to free up as much energy as possible for internal cleaning. Why would I feel the need to do some "spring cleaning" if I already eat well? Overstimulation.


Overstimulation? In living foods? Yup! And I am not referring to coffee or refined sugar or even salt. I'm talking about this tendency we have to eat complex meal consisting of a multitude of ingredients. While these meals are pleasing to the palate, they are more difficult to digest. Simply put, digesting complex meals requires more energy than digesting simple meals consisting of only a few (or even one) ingredients. We have fallen into the habit of eating for pleasure not to meet our real physiological needs nor for nourishment.

We have come to expect and want an infinite variety of foods. I'm the first culprit here (do you have any idea of the variety of tomatoes I plant each year?). We want new recipes, complex and subtle flavors, an explosion of flavor at every bit! There is nothing wrong with this, but it does require more energy to process such meals.

So this week, we will reacquaint ourselves with the subtle and rich flavors of simple foods. We will rediscover the pleasure of simple fare. We shall remind ourselves that, more often than not, simplicity is best.

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